I do a lot of sketching and idea fostering before committing to make a final piece of art, and it continues throughout the process. I’ve worked on so much since the last blog post that I can’t wait to share. I think the main reason I don’t blog more often (or share sketches) is because the ideas are not yet fulfilled. A good idea begs and deserves to be seen through and finished before its debut..
But there still is an intimate beauty to rough drawings, the first bar napkin sketch of a new idea. Sometimes these things can be finished in themselves, like when the gesture of a figure drawing comes out just right. Trying to control the picture too much only stiffens and sucks the life out of the pose. A little bit of both is best is art and in life – to practice both looseness and control. Thanks for being patient as things are being worked on, I will be sharing some really great things to come!